03 Experience
EDA Contractors
Senior Graphic Designer / Marketing Manager
EDA Contractors is a construction company located in the Philadelphia Metro area. I was the first graphic designer they hired to help build their marketing department. Since I’ve started, I have laid the foundation for the brand standards, filing systems, naming convention and design processes. One of my biggest projects I spearheaded was the launching of their new external and internal websites.
Senior Graphic Designer
Word and PowerPoint templates, presentation designs, digital booklets, brand design, Microsoft training & social media designs
Graphic Designer
Created meeting themes, logos, word templates, PowerPoint templates, UI/UX designs, stage renders, presentation designs and digital booklets
Deluxe Safeguard Division
Graphic Designer / Production Artist
Logo designs, brand design and production
Allen & Goel Marketing
Graphic Designer
Created and designed brochures, flyers, banners, maps, business cards, posters, floor plan illustrations and web updates